My favorite keyboard shortcuts for common tasks while editing your site

NOTE: Use command ⌘ for Mac and Ctrl for Windows.

▪︎ Press ⌘ + A or Ctrl + A to select everything (or to select all text within a text block)

▪︎ Press ⌘ + D or Ctrl + D to duplicate a content block

▪︎ Press ⌘ + Z or Ctrl + Z to undo

▪︎ Press ⌘ + Shift + Z or Ctrl + Shift + Z to redo

▪︎ To delete a block, simply select the block and hit the Delete key

▪︎ Press ESC to open or close the full site/screen preview

(To preview a page in full screen, use the arrow in the top right corner.)

▪︎ Double-click the**〈** arrow on the menu to return to the Home menu